Review some of the characteristics of radical Wahhabis

  • 29 مرداد, 1393 - 10:06
Wahhabism as an Islamic sect has some characteristics that have being criticized by the other Islamic sects.

Muslims [in all sects and groups] have no different opinion in the fundamental beliefs, but in some details and explaining about some basic beliefs, they've deduced different ideas. But these different opinion shouldn’t cause religious strife  between Islamic sects, but rather they should deal with it by true arguments.

Wahhabism as an Islamic sect has some characteristics that have being criticized by the other Islamic sects.

Wahhabi’s characteristics

Impose beliefs

It’s clear that the dialog and discussion between two groups of people should be logical and friendly; so the holy God says: Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! Thy Lord is Best Aware of him who strayeth from His way, and He is Best Aware of those who go aright. [16:125]

On the other side, Wahhabism simply condemns the other one except themselves to polytheism, enemy of God, and approve bleeding and killing others.

Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab writes in his book: Those who have interceded angles, prophets, and devoted friends of Allah, and seek means to the closeness of God, are deserving to the death, and other Wahhabis have permission to kill him. [1]

Nobody has permission in Islam to call opposes as ignorant polytheists, and such as these titles, and names himself as base center of Islam, and calls other people as infidel and polytheist! Same as the Wahhabism do, and have wrote in further books of them, that exactly they've stood against fairly Islamic teachings.

Great violence

Throughout the history, a few people damages Islam as much Wahhabism, Islamic sharia that wholly contains compassion and mercy, says “do well against bad deeds, so that your tenacious enemy, from its all of mercy [be ashamed and] become your friend“ and says “Is religion but love?” [2]

Violent Wahhabism actions

Violence in Iraq

Violence in Karbala among the very terrible of Wahhabis acts, even the Wahhabi historian admitted it. It was the massacre people of Karbala, some historian counts killed people up to 150,000 persons, and says they made bleed in the street of Karbala, and surprising that they named this act as fighting [Jihad] for the sake of Allah [fighting to the cities of Iraq, has been occurred a few times, and they’ve fought several times to the Karbala and Najaf, and have destroyed and mugged whatever they saw on the way]. [3]

genocide people in Taif

Creating the regimes and very rough groups from such sects (Taliban, al-Qaeda and Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan(

These groups have executed the Wahhabism radical rules, and have been carried out crimes against people in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India that the history will be ashamed to say that to posterity, and they show Islam in such a way that friends and enemies have disgusted.

They while discussion use ugly and insulting titles, even with the Sunnis, that’s a kind of violence in speech!

Radical fanaticism

Fanaticism means extreme idea toward someone or something, the blameworthy fanaticism always is along with dogma and unilateralism and illogical prejudges, and always causes hate and backwardness, such these fanatics are immoral, rough, arrogant, and smug, whatever was said exciting in sayings and deeds of radical Wahhabis and unfortunately seen in the book of leader of this group!

Lake of knowledge about cultural values

A few country much as Saudi Arabia has such Islamic heritages, the values heritage of Islamic Imams and their tombs, gave and town but the fanaticism Wahhabis have been demolished most of them as false pretense that these are the “polytheism monument”

Disagree with each new and modern phenomena

Wahhabism say “Bid'ah” [innovation] to everything that faces new phenomena. All kind of innovations according to their point of view:

They’ve been avoided bicycle because it’s the devil’s vehicle!

Until a few years ago they’ve been prohibited the Cameras!

They disagree by studding women and girls in exclusive schools!  

They’ve prohibited women driving even with perfect veil [Hijab]! [4]


1. Al-kashf al-shobahat, pp 58-87.

2. Al-khesal, p21.

3. Al-tarikh al-mamlakat al-sauidia

4. Fatwas of Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta, vol.3, p18.


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